It's Lucius fools day once again, and this time Lucius has enlisted Jimmy, Beezy and Heloise into helping him pull a prank on the rodeo clowns. The so-called 'Operation Teeny Weeny' hits a snag and Lucius and the boys get pelted by pies. To further combat and prank the clowns, Lucius creates a no-nonsense elite prank squad consisting of the finest Miseryville has to offer... but he has to settle for his son and Jimmy. Molotov trains the two in the art of pranking, in a boot camp setting complete with letters home to loved ones (in this case Cerbee) and a marching song about how old Lucius is.
Lucius concocts the perfect scheme, involving dressing the boys in cheese costumes and having Heloise activate a giant mousetrap. The plan goes south right away when Heloise prematurely springs the trap, setting it off on Lucius, Jimmy and Beezy. Lucius wonders how that happened and 'Heloise' reveals themselves to be a clown in disguise, the real Heloise has been kidnapped by the rodeo clowns! Jimmy wants to rescue Heloise but Lucius refuses to help after being humiliated by clowns once again, so its up to Jimmy and Beezy. However, a rescue is unnecessary as Heloise frees herself in no time at all and makes her own escape.
The boys infiltrate the clown hideout dressed as pizza delivery guys, though the clowns see through the disguise right away. The boys search for Heloise through a hall of mirrors and come face to face with an army of clowns. The Rodeo clowns think they've won again, only for Lucius to call on the new operation and Jimmy and Beezy fade away to reveal pie launchers (the real ones were inside the pizza box with Lucius all along.) The clowns have finally been pranked by Lucius, but his victory is short lived when Heloise comes back and reminds him why she's the number one pranker.
- Lucius reveals that he's 'barely 700'.
- At one point after the clowns get pie'd, you can see a quick repeat of earlier footage of Jimmy and Beezy exiting an alley in clown attire.